Armenians in Egypt

Egyptian people homogeneous people consists of nationalities and cultures and races very, very among races and cultures of these are Armenians,
Armenians and their presence in Egypt, not from after their migrations to Egypt after the massacre of Armenians in the nineteenth century, but it is very time of the ages old state (the era of the Pharaohs) was the Armenians many migrations to Egypt over Egyptian history and was curved migrations over and at least their numbers, was increased in Byzantine era and in the Fatimid era violin and who was the Armenians large presence in Egypt, especially after Islam a number of them and advancement in positions of power in Egypt, even of them arrived that he is the governor of Egypt, Badr al-Jamali and who helped take many Armenians senior positions in Egypt and was named this period as the "Armenian Testament."
The end of the Fatimid era after less numbers of Armenians in Egypt because of persecution Saladin them for their loyalty to the successors of the Fatimids and increased their numbers again during the Ottoman era in Egypt and this is because of the love of the Ottoman sultans of the Armenians for their devotion and loyalty and violin they were skilled traders and finance the Ottoman state funds and foreign currency, and then came the era of Mohamed Ali Pasha, and this period is considered it more era in the history of the Armenians in Egypt have had a significant presence and emigrated to Egypt many families aristocratic Armenian since Muhammad Ali Pasha was loves them too, and had a large Armenian merchant and the Minister of Commerce " Boghos Yousoufian "and that he is considered the founder of the Armenian community in Egypt and the spiritual father of them was very close to Muhammad Ali Pasha personally and who said in his right (as long as Muhammad Ali and his sons alive, there is no fear for the Armenians who have
The right to request anything special to me Boghos relatives and acquaintances).
Muhammad Ali Pasha relied too heavily on the Armenians in the rule of Egypt and allowed them to take large positions in the country, such as what to do with the Circassians and Turks, contrary to what he did with the Egyptians who made them just be Mozvien, but had a special love for the Armenians and had their opinion and advise him in almost everything, especially large projects established and rely on them in the economy because they are always skilled traders and exercised in the exchange.
But after Muhammad Ali Armenians suffered much persecution especially from Abbas Pasha, who was a fanatic, especially against the Armenians and foreigners are generally Christians (Greeks and Europeans and others) and all of their expulsion from office, and he believed that Muhammad Ali indulgence with a very Christian Armenians and the Turks account and so he had to stop them in the presence in some areas in Egypt and work ban them from being present outside of Cairo and Alexandria, which was longer and is considered a major presence places for them.
Armenians, despite the length of history's always a few very simple in Egypt have never exceeded the 5000 during the reign of Muhammad Ali, who is regarded as the Aktar era when the Armenians in Egypt did not go beyond the 5,000 Armenians in Egypt
Considered an ethnic minority and religious and cultural, but in spite of this, but that the Armenians have a strong impact on Egypt in all fields because they were good and faithful in their job and in every place and career worked out and excelled all Altanih elements, especially in the economy who were in the times of of the history of Egypt they were financiers of the Egyptian economy and large-scale projects and also were translators and in the arts and journalism, education, industry and all fields and in senior positions in the country and were goldsmiths and architects even in simple crafts such as sewing and carpentry and shoemaking and other .
They have their churches and schools such as "Kalodsaan" school that are present in the center of Cairo
And they split religiously to the Armenian Orthodox and Armenian Catholics was of their own and which are present until now and the Diocese of the Armenian Orthodox exist in the center of Cairo, and there are also other churches in Alexandria.
Armenians were geographically concentrated mainly in Cairo, especially in the neighborhoods of Cairo (Shubra and Faggala and Abbasia and others) and also in Alexandria and was in smaller numbers in the cities in the north of Egypt, such as Zagazig and Mansoura and Damietta and others.
Armenians and many contributions violin in the press of the Armenian press in Egypt was thriving, established many of the Armenian newspapers during the nineteenth and journalists were also in the national newspapers century to write in Arabic, Turkish, European,
And also the contributions in the fields of arts such as cinema and music, there was a difference of Armenians in Egypt in high-level European teams compete progress Plays Armenian Kteer and founded theaters them Alhosabir theater who is in Cairo.
Armenian characters known:
 - Nubar Nubarian who assume the presidency of the first government in Egypt
- Artists and faith Lebleba and child fairouz and  Anushka and Indigo
- Journalist and thinker, Adieb Isaac (1856: 1885)


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